HighlightHow TolinuxupdatePlesk

PHP Warning: Module “mysqli” is already loaded in Unknown on line 0

This issue occurred on a server running CloudLinux 8, Plesk, and with Alt-PHP/PHP Selector enabled but not in use.

I recently encountered this error on a new server, and it turned out it was a result of a mismatch between the PHP version selected within Plesk and the PHP version in the CloudLinux PHP Selector.

To resolve this, ensure that the correct PHP version is selected under both by heading to the PHP:

Screenshot of the Plesk portal with the Dashboard tab selected, and a cursor hovering over Dev Tools > PHP showing version 8.2.22

And then ensure the PHP version you need is selected from the drop-down list. If not, pick it from the list and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply.

Plesk PHP version selector. Set to 8.2.22

Then, go back to the domain admin page in Plesk, and click PHP Selector from the sidebar on the right (you may need to press the small arrow button to expand).

Plesk sidebar with options like Backup & Restore, Databases, Scheduled Tasks, WordPress, Action Log, PHP Selector, Resource Usage, and Imunify360

Finally, pick a matching version from the dropdown list (red arrow) and click Apply (orange arrow). This should now resolve the error.

PHP Selector with a red arrow pointing at the PHP version, and an orange arrow pointing at the Apply button.


Jonathan Procter

Linux, Unix, and Windows server sysadmin.

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