How ToMicrosoft ExchangeWindows Server
Exchange How To | Import and export individual inboxes as .pst files.
Importing and exporting individual user inboxes is a fairly simple process and remains largely the same across multiple releases (nothing has changed in regards to how you do this so far between Exchange 2010 SP1 and Exchange 2016 RTM). Just simply run the following commands in the Exchange Management Shell.
For both the import and export process you need to configure shared folders to house the files.
First things first you need to give the user account(s) in question the correct permissions to allow them to initiate imports and exports.
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User "<user1>" "<user2>" (etc etc)
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User "jon" "fred"
New-MailboxImportRequest –Mailbox <user> –FilePath \\<server>\<folder>\<pst>.pst
New-MailboxImportRequest –Mailbox jon –FilePath \\mail\PST\jon_181015.pst
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox <user> -FilePath \\<server>\<folder>\<pst>.pst
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox jon -FilePath \\mail\PST\jon_181015.pst